Sometimes it is easier to write an algorithm code from scratch than finding/studying all options/dependencies/limits/parameters of an existing code.
If you want to start/Master cs/data
Sometimes it is easier to write an algorithm code from scratch than finding/studying all options/dependencies/limits/parameters of an existing code.
If you want to start/Master cs/data
Your target company, could guide you to choose/develope your skills/knowledge basket.
If you prefer small companies or building your own one, it is better to be a jack of all trades or a generalist.
It does not matter your car is Ferrari F1 car (or you are as expert as Michael Schumacher on it), you can’t plowing the ground!
It’s need a tractor. So, it’s not a
If you install spyder (or spyder3) with PIP (not Anaconda) you may have problem to lunch it from start menu.
There is a simple way to do that.
Right-click on the Spyder where is on
where Python37 is the location
I wonder why “Rstudio”, “Matlab”, “Spyder” … do not learn from “Sublime Text”. Even Intelij brings “Sublime Text” style multiple selections (Multi-cursor
Alan Kay said
“In the old days, you would chastise people for reinventing the wheel. Now we beg, ‘Oh, please, please reinvent the wheel’.”
We need to try reinvent
Your interesting contents affected by search engines and social media/network. The only way to find yours, is wider and deeper search.
The career you love is too! It is affected by public/social media and your social
Now, I am a Chief Technology Officer, and a freelance data scientist. I was assistant professor of computer and data science at Shahid
Angie Wang (here) had wrote about a simple difference between Specialist and generalist
Generalist: one who has a preference for and focuses on breadth of knowledge
Specialist: one who has a preference for and focuses on depth of knowledge
It is clear
Many graduates want to show their data scinece knowledge (in a social media), but there is a problem! They have no idea.
So they try everything, The weakest part of any science are definition!
Anyone could benefit from the lack of a standaed source of