reinventing the wheel, Alan Kay,chastising

Please reinvent the wheel

Alan Kay said

“In the old days, you would chastise people for reinventing the wheel. Now we beg, ‘Oh, please, please reinvent the wheel’.”

We need to try reinvent the wheels sometimes (not everyday). This is the only way we could escape from the obsolete patterns and old thoughts. Sometimes, sticking to old wheels, prevent you to acting/thinking beyond the box.

Just consider the fact that we do not talking about:

  • reinventing the light
  • reinventing the Vehicle
  • reinventing the life-style
  • reinventing the Smoke signal
  • reinventing the media
  • reinventing the social media

You know why? Because they invented many times. No one have the courage that talking about them.

There are some points that matter for  reinventing the wheels:

  • Don’t do it evvery day!
  • Test it before deployment.
  • Gather some knowledge about the subject.


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