big data, data mining, data science, Machine Learning, Data science definition, DIKW pyramid

Data science is a science!

Many graduates want to show their data scinece knowledge (in a social media), but there is a problem! They have no idea.

So they try everything, The weakest part of any science are definition!

Anyone could benefit from the lack of a standaed source of definitions. They can claim many definitions for any concept. Who can say they are wrong?

But sometimes, this can go far to some ridiculous definitions. For example If you would like to making a defintition for “Data Scinece”, you should talk about a science, not an act, data mining process or a pipeline.

For example I may define “Data science” as a “science”:

The science of any movement in the DIKW pyramid.

Or analogous to the “computer science” definition (as computational problem solving), we can define data science as

“Data driven problem solving”.

If you solved a problem with some data driven approach, it is greate, you have used data science.

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