Skill and career path, social trap, social media trap, foolde by media, falling in love with works, data science,interesting contents

Escape from social trap and soicial media trap by a deeper and wider search

Your interesting contents affected by search engines and social media/network. The only way to find yours, is wider and deeper search.

The career you love is too! It is affected by public/social media and your social network. The only way to find yours, is wider and deeper search for your interests.

Otherwise, you may just be falling in love with works, engaged by your social network and media.

If you seeking for a Data science, Writing, Medicine or Management career, you should take  care of this (social)/(soicial media) trap.


Social trap is a situation in which a group of people act to obtain short-term individual gains, which in the long run leads to a loss for the group as a whole (Wikipedia).

Social media trap is  a situation in which you  fooled and mislead by social media.

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