Adding Spyder (Python IDE) Icon to The Windows Start Menu

If you install spyder (or spyder3) with PIP (not Anaconda) you may have  problem to lunch it from start menu.

There is a simple way to do that.

Right-click on the Spyder where is on


where Python37  is the location read more

Escape from social trap and soicial media trap by a deeper and wider search

Your interesting contents affected by search engines and social media/network. The only way to find yours, is wider and deeper search.

The career you love is too! It is affected by public/social media and your social read more

Consulting by a generalist or a specialist?

Angie Wang  (here) had wrote about a simple difference between Specialist and generalist

Generalist: one who has a preference for and focuses on breadth of knowledge

Specialist: one who has a preference for and focuses on depth of knowledge

It is clear read more